📱Instagram Liker and Follower🤖 for Hashtag list [TagIE]

Instagram Liker and Follower for Hashtag list [TagIE] -
Code Source: 

#include TagIE.ahk 

;Like and Follow for posts on Hashtags:
;launch it daily on 2-5 posts and for 5 to 10 hashtag
;(you must save password before)
;put hashtag list (one by row) in a file: \hashtags.txt
;(search correlate hashtag from https://www.all-hashtag.com)
;original idea from @talymo https://github.com/talymo/instaAutomate
;@adegard - Works with TagIE version 1.1.04 (please check yours)

    ; Get list of hashtags from hashtags text file 
    hashtags := Object()
    Loop, read, % A_ScriptDir "\hashtags.txt"
        hashtags[A_Index] := A_LoopReadLine

    ; How many posts we want to like
    Posts = 3 

    ; How many posts we have liked
    LikedPosts = 0;

            ; Set Variables for Like action Interval (x100 millisec)
            low = 2
            high = 40

    For i in hashtags {

        ; The hashtag we want to like
        hash := hashtags[i]

        StringReplace , hash, hash, %A_Space%,,All

        HashTag := hash

        ; Stuff we need for the script to work
        myUrl = https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/%HashTag%/
        Sleep 3000

        ; Loop through n  posts
        Loop, %Posts% {

 selector =#react-root > section > main > article > div.EZdmt > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(%A_Index%) > a > div > div._9AhH0

 tclick(selector, 0)

            Random, Time_To_Wait, low, high
 Time := Time_To_Wait * 500
 techo(Time " millisec")
               Sleep, Time

 ;heart clicking
 tclick("glyphsSpriteHeart__outline__24__grey_9 u-__7", 0)

            Random, Time_To_Wait, low, high
 Time := Time_To_Wait * 500
 techo(Time " millisec")
               Sleep, Time
 ;click on Follow
 tclick("oW_lN _0mzm- sqdOP yWX7d       ", 0)
 ;cancel action to avoid unfollow
 tclick("aOOlW   HoLwm ", 0)

            Random, Time_To_Wait, low, high
 Time := Time_To_Wait * 500
 techo(Time " millisec")
               Sleep, Time

 ;close post
 tclick("ckWGn", 0)



;send yourself telegram msg when finish

Sleep, 5000


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