TagIE example: Internet Explorer Automation with AutoHotKey


-Simplify your IE automation Scripts with simple readable functions with TagIE.ahk :D

-TagIE auto-waits for a webpage element to appear and interacts with it as soon as it appears

-Tooltip Show Steps

-Element identifier can be id, tagname, classname, or Selector (use Chrome Inspector for that)

  • tnav("website", "option") : Navigate to webpage ; option: empty: minimized; "max" : Maximized window
  • tclick("tag") : Enter value in Tag field. Tags: Selector (use Chrome Inspector) or id, or name, or class. Insteat of double Quotes, use singlo quotes in Selector (ie "input class='nameclass'")
  • tenter("text", "tag") : Enter value in Tag field. Tags: Selector (use Chrome Inspector) or id, or name, or class
  • tread("tag") : fetch/read element text to variable. Tags: Selector (use Chrome Inspector) or id, or name, or class. Insteat of double Quotes,
  • tsnap() : take snapshot and save it in jpg in "screenshot folder" (require Irfanview)"
  • tselect("value", "ele"): SelectDropdown value
  • tscroll("ele"): Scroll page to element

Code example: Auto_responder Kijji:

#include TagIE.ahk

;Kijiji autoresponder (respond to any ads for Job, Marketing...). Adapt it to any Ads/Post websites
;It avoid double-responses of job posting by saving urls file database file
;Last button SUBMIT is disabled, so you can try it safe ;-)

dbFileName= kijiji_urls.txt
name = Paolo
email = email@gmail.com
message  ="Buongiorno, ho trovato il suo annuncio e mi sono detto che potrebbe avere bisogno di assistenza domiciliare... se conosce qualcuno che ha bisogno di una badante, visita il nostro sito www.badante-noproblem.com  Grazie Non rispondere a questo messaggio perche stato generato automaticamente."

;convert to array
Array := [ name, email, message]

;check if Database fie exist, if not, create it
 TestString := "This is url list.`r`n"  

;go first to the correct category

loop, 10  ;how many items

myurl:=pwb.document.getElementsByClassName("cta").item[A_Index].getAttribute("href") ;gets the value of an attribute

 FileRead, OutputVar, %dbFileName%
 IfInString, OutputVar , %myurl%
  ;Url already exist in database
 FileAppend, %myurl%`n, %dbFileName% 
 ;Go to the url

selector = body > div:nth-of-type(4) > div:nth-of-type(2) > div:nth-of-type(1) > ul > li:nth-of-type(%A_Index%) > div > h3 > a

tclick(selector, 0)

 Sleep, 1000
 ;insert data
tscroll("name", 0) 
Sleep, 1000
tenter(Array[1], "name", 0)
Sleep, 1000
tenter(Array[2], "email", 0)
Sleep, 1000
tenter(Array[3], "message", 0)
Sleep, 1000
tclick("body > main > section:nth-of-type(1) > div:nth-of-type(2) > aside > article:nth-of-type(3) > article > div > form > label:nth-of-type(1) > div", 0)
tclick("body > main > section:nth-of-type(1) > div:nth-of-type(2) > aside > article:nth-of-type(3) > article > div > form > label:nth-of-type(2) > div", 0)

;tclick("body > main > section:nth-of-type(1) > div:nth-of-type(2) > aside > article:nth-of-type(3) > article > div > form > footer > input", 0)

  Sleep, 3000

  pwb.document.parentWindow.history.go(-2) ;Go Backward one page
  Sleep, 1000
 } ; END , go next

 Sleep, 100

Sleep, 1000



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